Pharmaceutical Marketing & Distribution
A company building future, focused on growth and innovation, quality products and distribution coverage throughout Afghanistan.

About Us
Our innovative company was founded in 2008 in Kabul, Afghanistan.
AlHadi is a company building future, focused on growth and innovation, quality products and distribution coverage throughout Afghanistan.
AlHadi provides a diversified range of high-quality healthcare products including those in Cardiology, Gynecology, Neuropsychiatry, Ophthalmology, Diabetes, Nutrition and Dietary supplement.
AlHadi Ltd has a distribution and marketing network of stakeholders (comprising the Management Team, Sales & Marketing Team and Medical Doctors), as well as Wholesalers and Pharmacy Chain Stores. The company is managed by highly experienced team of Experts with diverse background and set of skills.
The firm is uniquely positioned to serve the growing needs of the Afghanistan pharmaceutical market. Our core activities are Import, Promotion & Marketing, Distribution, Retail Chain, Tender Supplies and Regulatory Services while enjoying an esteemed reputation in Afghanistan.
Promotion & Marketing
Retail Chain
Tender Supplies
Promotion & Marketing


Distribution Services
AlHadi is a reliable and compliant distributors of pharmaceutical products in the Afghanistan pharma market. AlHadi emphasizes meeting regulatory compliance while practicing transportation, storage and distribution of medicines, in Afghanistan.
The dedicated technical staff, management and sales team at AlHadi are experts and skilled with over a decade of experience. To keep track of inventory throughout the distribution system, the company uses standard ERP solutions developed for pharma distribution.
Retail Chain Services
AlHadi Ltd introduced Afghanistan’s first pharmacy chain stores under the brand name 786Pharmacy in March 2013, with a vision to allow ready access to value-laden services in a diverse spectrum of regions. No Later, 786Pharmacy was one of the most trusted medicines services firm in the country.
786 Pharmacy is the first mover and only branded Pharmacy chain stores in Afghanistan, pioneering female pharmacists, serving communities round the clock i.e., 24/7, with 15 stores providing genuine medications in a market where according to research, 53% of medications are counterfeit, not only this, but 786Pharmacy provides other services including free primary health services, home delivery services while enjoying the highest reputation of trust and reliability in the community

Tender Supplies & Services
- AlHadi Ltd has over a decade experience in pharma tender supplies and logistics.
- The company has served public, private for-profit and non-profit organizations.
- AlHadi Ltd has access to a full range of products fulfilling pharma tender requirements.
- AlHadi Ltd has had strategic partnerships with international pharma wholesalers serving local tender projects.
- Free Product Recall & Replacement.
- Product Quality Assurance.
- On Time Services & Supply
Regulatory Services
Strategic Support and Solutions for Various Regulatory Issues
- Strategic and regulatory advices
- Appropriate application procedures
- Evaluation of regulatory documents
- Compilation of a complete MA Dossiers
- Regulatory and commercial compliance
- Pharmacovigilance Assistance
Our Experience is Your Advantage
- Initial application for marketing authorization
- Variations
- Renewals
- Follow-up-Activities
- Updating of marketing authorization documentation
- Preparation of submission dossiers
- Processing deficiency letters- Communication with regulatory authorities
- Monitoring of deadlines
Dossier Creation
Competent Solutions for Complex Problems
- Evaluation of New or Existing Regulatory Documents
- Preparation of the quality dossier
- Preparation of experts statement, overviews
- Submission